New Wintellect Blog Posts

For this Thanksgiving, I thought sharing a lot of my recent Wintellect blog posts. If I may say, there's a lot of good stuff for you to go through while digesting a Thanksgiving meal. Hope you all enjoy!


I've been doing a bit of Spectron lately for a client and have been posting some insights I've gained from it.


I've been into Xamarin for quite a while now and have quite a few links that go through different aspects of it, mainly with F#. This includes my very first screencast and using FAKE with your Xamarin projects.

Wintellect F# Blog Post Collection

I know it seems I've been MIA lately, but the truth is I've actually been blogging quite a bit on F# at my spot in Wintellect for a little while. Below is a collection of what's currently out there.

There will definitely be more in the future so keep an eye out there for more posts on F# and there may even be a few on Xamarin with F#.

First Wintellect Blog Post + A New Series On Design Patterns

Just recently, I published my first blog post to the Wintellect (my awesome new employer) site. May not seem like much, but it's pretty exciting for me.

One of the things to keep yourself learning, I feel, is to tackle the stuff you feel you understand the least. For me, one of those things was the concept and implementation of different design patterns. I'm probably already too late in the game for this, but better than not learning it at all, right?

Head First Design Patterns - Part 1: Observer Pattern